布林肯国务卿任命扎基亚·卡尔·约翰逊为国务院首席多元化和包容性官员。 Secretary Blinken appoints Zakiya Carr Johnson as State Department's Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.
国务卿安东尼·布林肯任命扎基亚·卡尔·约翰逊为国务院新任首席多元化与包容性官员,该职位空缺近一年。 Secretary of State Antony Blinken has appointed Zakiya Carr Johnson as the new chief diversity and inclusion officer at the State Department, nearly a year after the position became vacant. 布林肯表示,约翰逊是一位经验丰富的种族、社会包容和多元化专家,他将负责建立一支“反映美国”的劳动力队伍。 Johnson, an experienced race, social inclusion, and diversity expert, will be responsible for building a workforce that "reflects America," according to Blinken. 该职位无需参议院确认。 This role does not require Senate confirmation.