《Content Warning》是一款合作恐怖游戏,玩家可以在 SpookTube 中探索一个被诅咒的世界,免费试用 24 小时,试用后需花费 7.99 美元。 24-hour free trial of Content Warning, a co-op horror game where players explore a cursed world for SpookTube, costs $7.99 post-trial.
《Content Warning》是一款由 Landfall 开发的合作恐怖游戏,可免费玩 24 小时,玩家可以在其中探索古老的禁忌世界,为 SpookTube 拍摄怪异的内容,以赚钱升级装备和提高生存能力。 Free-to-play for 24 hours, Content Warning is a co-op horror game from Landfall where players explore an old forbidden world, filming eerie content for SpookTube to earn money for gear upgrades and improved survival. 与生存提取恐怖游戏类似,玩家走下电梯寻找被诅咒的遗物和文物。 Similar to survival extraction horror games, players descend an elevator to find cursed relics and artifacts. 该游戏在免费期结束后售价为 7.99 美元,自发布以来已在 Steam 上获得了 175 条正面评价。 The game costs $7.99 after the free period and has received 175 positive Steam reviews since release.