反疫苗活动人士和极右翼分子如何试图建立平行经济。 How anti-vaccine activists and the far right are trying to build a parallel economy.
反疫苗活动人士和极右翼社区正试图建立一个独立于主流金融体系和技术提供商的平行经济,或“自由经济”。 Anti-vaccine activists and far-right communities are attempting to build a parallel economy, or "freedom economy," separate from mainstream financial systems and tech providers. 拉斯维加斯的 RePlatform 会议汇聚了来自不同阴谋论和宗教社区的企业家和影响者,讨论如何创造一个“防取消”的未来,包括 GabPay 等替代支付处理器。 The RePlatform conference in Las Vegas brought together entrepreneurs and influencers from different conspiracist and religious communities to discuss ways to create a "cancellation-proof" future, including alternative payment processors like GabPay.