两名妇女因在门罗的 Yan Spa 卖淫而被捕;调查正在进行中。 2 women arrested for running prostitution at Yan Spa, Monroe; investigation ongoing.
门罗市警察局和斯泰茨维尔警察局联合调查后,两名女子赵怡玉(48 岁)和洪正(44 岁)因在门罗的 Yan Spa 提供卖淫场所和招揽卖淫而被捕。 2 women, Zhaoyi Yu (48) and Hong Zheng (44), arrested for maintaining a place for prostitution and soliciting prostitution at Yan Spa in Monroe, following a joint investigation by Monroe and Statesville police departments. 卧底警察多次在水疗中心被提供性服务以换取金钱。 Undercover officers were offered sexual acts for money at the spa multiple times. 调查正在进行中,任何有相关信息的人请联系门罗警察局。 The investigation is ongoing, and anyone with relevant information is urged to contact the Monroe Police Department.