周日,迪亚拉省的一次无人机袭击杀死了一名逊尼派土库曼部落首领。 On Sunday, a drone strike in Diyala province killed a Sunni Turkmen tribal leader.
周日,无人机袭击了伊拉克迪亚拉省基夫里镇的一名土库曼少数民族逊尼派部落首领。 A drone strike on Sunday in Iraq's Diyala province killed a Sunni tribal leader from the Turkmen minority in Kifri town. 该地区存在争议,居住着库尔德人、阿拉伯逊尼派和土库曼人。 The area is disputed and inhabited by ethnic Kurds, Arab Sunnis, and Turkmen. 没有任何组织声称对此次袭击负责,伊拉克最大的土库曼政党土库曼阵线已要求政府调查并将肇事者绳之以法。 No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, and the Turkmen Front, Iraq's largest Turkmen political party, has demanded the government investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice.