康涅狄格州斯坦福的米尔河公园采用创新的防洪设施来保护市中心免受洪水侵袭。 Mill River Park in Stamford, Connecticut, uses innovative flood control features to protect the city's downtown area from flooding.
康涅狄格州斯坦福的米尔河公园设有防洪设施,在大雨期间充当海绵吸收并快速排出多余的水,保护市中心免受洪水侵袭。 Mill River Park in Stamford, Connecticut, incorporates flood control features, acting as a sponge to absorb and quickly drain excess water during heavy rains, protecting the city's downtown area from flooding. 由于志愿者的努力、资金和陆军工程兵团的指导,这一创新设计取得了成功。 This innovative design has been successful due to efforts by volunteers, funding, and guidance from the Army Corps of Engineers. 该公园的成功为其他寻求有效防洪措施的城市树立了榜样。 The park's success serves as a model for other cities seeking effective flood control measures.