纽约布鲁克林庞贝玫瑰天主教堂在复活节礼拜期间发生五级警报火灾,造成 6 人受伤,目前正在调查中。 5-alarm fire at Our Lady of the Rosary Pompeii Catholic Church in Brooklyn, NY during Easter Sunday services, injured 6, under investigation.
在复活节主日礼拜期间,纽约布鲁克林的庞贝玫瑰圣母天主教堂发生了五级大火。 During Easter Sunday services, a massive 5-alarm fire broke out at Our Lady of the Rosary Pompeii Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York. 至少有六人因轻伤接受治疗,其中包括三名教区居民和三名消防员。 At least six people, including three parishioners and three firefighters, were treated for minor injuries. 消防部门疏散了教堂,火势在蔓延到主要礼拜空间之前得到了控制。 The fire department evacuated the church, and the fire was contained before it could spread to the main worship space. 起火原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.