103 岁的二战老兵奥特玛·“奥特”·贾斯珀在密苏里州议会大厦受到表彰,受到起立鼓掌和紫心勋章的认可。 103-year-old WWII veteran Othmar "Ott" Jasper honored at Missouri State Capitol, receives standing ovation and Purple Hearts recognition.
3 月 29 日,103 岁的二战老兵奥特玛·“奥特”·贾斯珀 (Othmar "Ott" Jasper) 在美国陆军服役,因受伤获得两枚紫心勋章。 103-year-old WWII veteran Othmar "Ott" Jasper, who served in the U.S. Army and earned two Purple Hearts for his injuries, was honored at the Missouri State Capitol on March 29. 众议院议员起立鼓掌并与他握手并致以感谢。 House lawmakers gave him a standing ovation and showered him with handshakes and words of appreciation. 贾斯珀于 1941 年至 1945 年服役,在战争期间两次受伤。 Jasper, who served from 1941 to 1945, was injured twice during the war.