三名联合国观察员和一名翻译在黎巴嫩南部受伤。 Three UN observers and a translator wounded in south Lebanon.
3 名联合国观察员和一名翻译在黎巴嫩南部边境巡逻时受伤。 3 UN observers and a translator were wounded in south Lebanon while patrolling the border. 据联合国维和部队联黎部队称,爆炸是在他们附近爆炸时发生的。 The explosion took place when a shell exploded near them, according to the UN peacekeeping mission UNIFIL. 军事观察员是联合国停战监督组织的一部分,该组织支持黎巴嫩南部的维和任务。 The military observers are part of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, which supports the peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon. 以色列军方否认袭击了维和人员。 The Israeli military denied striking the peacekeepers.