广西合浦县大庄江村农业兴旺,村民靠编织发财树每天可收入300元 In Hepu County, Guangxi, Dazhuangjiang village thrives in agriculture, with villagers earning 300 yuan daily braiding Pachira aquatica stems (money trees)
广西合浦县农业的蓬勃发展促进了当地经济的发展,村民通过编织发财树幼苗每天收入约300元。 Thriving agriculture in Hepu County, Guangxi, has boosted local economies, with villagers earning around 300 yuan per day by braiding stems of young Pachira aquatica, known as money trees. 这种代代相传的技术使居民能够避免到村外寻找工作。 The technique, passed down through generations, enables residents to avoid seeking jobs outside their village. 富裕的大庄江村受益于长达八个月的编织季和额外的育苗、修剪工作。 This affluent village, Dazhuangjiang, benefits from the eight-month braiding season and additional work in seedling and pruning.