克利夫兰守护者队 4 月 8 日的主场揭幕战由退役球员科里·克鲁伯 (Corey Kluber) 和迈克尔·布兰特利 (Michael Brantley) 主持。 Cleveland Guardians' home opener on April 8 features a ceremonial first pitch from retired players Corey Kluber and Michael Brantley.
克利夫兰守护者队将于 4 月 8 日在进步球场 (Progressive Field) 主场对阵芝加哥白袜队 (Chicago White Sox) 的主场揭幕战中,退役球员科里·克鲁伯 (Corey Kluber) 和迈克尔·布兰特利 (Michael Brantley) 将会担任首发球员。 The Cleveland Guardians' home opener on April 8 against the Chicago White Sox at Progressive Field will feature a ceremonial first pitch from retired players Corey Kluber and Michael Brantley. 该活动包括国歌和上帝保佑美国表演、天桥表演以及门票全部售罄的活动。 The event includes a National Anthem and God Bless America performance, a flyover, and a sold-out attendance. 由于当天发生日食导致交通拥堵,鼓励球迷乘坐公共交通工具。 Fans are encouraged to take public transportation due to traffic congestion from the solar eclipse occurring the same day.