孟买高等法院严厉谴责马哈拉施特拉邦政府,称孟买中心新高等法院大楼建设进展缓慢且缺乏信息。 Bombay High Court reprimands Maharashtra govt for slow progress and lack of information on new high court building at BKC.
孟买高等法院谴责马哈拉施特拉邦政府班德拉库尔拉综合大楼新高等法院大楼进展缓慢。 Bombay High Court chastises Maharashtra govt for slow progress on new high court building at Bandra Kurla Complex. 法院批评该州公共工程部拖延提供有关土地转让所采取步骤的信息,并对目前的 HC 大楼状况不佳表示担忧,限制了法院的管理。 The court criticized the state's Public Works Department for the delay in providing information on the steps being taken for transferring land and expressed concerns about the current HC building in poor condition, constraining the court's administration. 政府被要求在一周内提交一份宣誓书。 The govt has been asked to file an affidavit within a week.