美国农业部领导的农业企业贸易代表团在首尔展示美国红肉产品,加强与韩国合作伙伴的联系,并利用韩美贸易协定的关税优惠。自由贸易协定。 A USDA-led agribusiness trade mission in Seoul showcases U.S. red meat products, strengthening ties with Korean partners and taking advantage of duty benefits from the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
美国农业部领导的首尔农业企业贸易代表团旨在加强与韩国合作伙伴的联系并展示美国红肉产品。 USDA-led agribusiness trade mission in Seoul aims to strengthen ties with Korean partners and showcase U.S. red meat products. 该代表团由 48 家农业企业和农场组织组成,在美国肉类出口联合会 (USMEF) 的支持下,向韩国消费者介绍美国食品。 The mission, involving 48 agribusinesses and farm organizations, introduces U.S. food items to South Korean consumers, with support from the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). 韩美关税削减自贸协定提振消费需求;美国牛肉现在面临 5.3% 的关税,预计到 2026 年逐步取消,而美国猪肉进入韩国则免税。 Tariff reductions under the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement have boosted consumer demand; U.S. beef now faces a 5.3% duty set to phase out by 2026, while U.S. pork enters Korea duty-free.