今天早上有雾,今天有太阳和云。 Patchy fog this morning with a mix of sun and clouds today.
由于国家气象局发布大雾警告,阿拉巴马州东部出现浓雾,能见度低。 East Alabama experiences dense fog with low visibility due to a Dense Fog Advisory by the National Weather Service. 预计雾气将于上午 8 点消散,气温将在 40 至 50 度之间。 The fog is expected to lift by 8 a.m. and temperatures will range from 40-50 degrees. 预计即将到来的周末复活节天气晴好,气温在 40 华氏度到 70 华氏度之间,部分多云到大部分晴朗。 The upcoming weekend is predicted to have promising weather for Easter, with temperatures ranging from 40s to 70s and partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies. 下周二,冷锋可能会带来阵雨和暴风雨,但威胁仍然不确定。 Next Tuesday, a cold front may bring showers and storms, but the threat remains uncertain.