迪士尼在蒂安娜河口冒险中推出了六位新的音乐动物角色,取代了根据《公主与青蛙》改编的飞溅山。 Disney reveals six new musical animal characters for Tiana's Bayou Adventure, replacing Splash Mountain, based on "The Princess and the Frog."
迪士尼推出了将于夏季开放的蒂安娜河口冒险的新音乐角色。 Disney unveils new musical characters for Tiana's Bayou Adventure, opening in summer. 该游乐设施将有六位新的动物角色,包括负鼠博、浣熊阿波罗、乌龟鲁弗斯、水獭蒂莫莱昂、兔子格瑞蒂和海狸拜哈利亚,他们演奏天然材料制成的乐器。 The ride will feature six new animal characters, including Beau the Opossum, Apollo the Raccoon, Rufus the Turtle, Timoléon the Otter, Gritty the Rabbit, and Byhalia the Beaver, playing instruments made from natural materials. 新游乐设施将取代飞溅山,将遵循 2009 年动画长片《公主与青蛙》的故事情节,并以纳文王子和鳄鱼路易斯等其他音频电子动画人物为特色。 Set to replace Splash Mountain, the new ride will follow the storyline from the 2009 animated feature "The Princess and the Frog" and will also feature other audio-animatronic figures like Prince Naveen and Louis the alligator.