戴恩县治安官办公室对人工智能增强的祖父母诈骗发出警告,建议老年人核实电话并保护隐私。 Dane County Sheriff's Office warns of AI-enhanced grandparent scams, advising seniors to verify calls and protect privacy.
戴恩县治安官办公室对人工智能增强的祖父母诈骗发出警告,诈骗者使用人工智能生成的孙子的声音录音,声称自己处于危险之中。 Dane County Sheriff's Office warns of AI-enhanced grandparent scams, where scammers use AI-generated recordings of a grandchild's voice claiming to be in danger. 该办公室建议老年人在社交媒体上保持谨慎,锁定隐私设置,并通过直接联系家人来核实任何可疑电话。 The office advises seniors to be cautious on social media, lock down privacy settings, and verify any suspicious calls by directly contacting family members. 他们还敦促分享这些信息以保护弱势社区成员。 They also urge sharing this information to protect vulnerable community members.