伊利诺伊州天主教童子军委员会推出了可敬的奥古斯都·托尔顿神父活动徽章,以纪念美国第一位公认的黑人牧师。 Illinois' Catholic Committee on Scouting introduces the Venerable Father Augustus Tolton Activity Patch, honoring the first recognized Black priest in the US.
伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德教区天主教童子军委员会宣布了可敬的奥古斯都·托尔顿神父活动补丁,以纪念美国第一位获得认可的黑人牧师。 The Catholic Committee on Scouting in Illinois' Diocese of Springfield announced the Venerable Father Augustus Tolton Activity Patch, honoring the first recognized Black priest in the US. 要获得补丁,孩子们必须完成各种要求和活动,包括了解托尔顿的生活、参观神学院以及撰写祈祷文。 To receive the patch, children must complete various requirements and activities, including learning about Tolton's life, visiting a seminary, and composing a prayer. 奥古斯塔斯·托尔顿神父正在走向圣徒之路。 Father Augustus Tolton is on the path to sainthood.