DBM 批准教育部 P1.134B SARO 修复 654 间传统教室,包括 Gabaldon 校舍。 DBM approves P1.134B SARO for DepEd to restore 654 heritage classrooms, including Gabaldon schoolhouses.
DBM 批准了教育部的 P1.134B SARO,以修复 83 所传统学校的 654 间教室,其中包括美国殖民时期建造的加巴尔登校舍。 The DBM approved a P1.134B SARO for the DepEd to restore 654 classrooms in 83 heritage schools, including Gabaldon schoolhouses built during the American colonial period. 《加巴尔登校舍保护法》要求将保护和修复工作作为菲律宾文化保护工作的一部分。 The Gabaldon School Buildings Conservation Act requires preservation and restoration efforts as part of cultural conservation efforts in the Philippines. 修复过程包括场地改进和确保结构的安全性和完整性。 The restoration process includes site improvements and ensuring the safety and integrity of the structures.