8 名津巴布韦警察因未缴纳 450 美元的接驳费而断电,凸显了潜在的腐败现象。 8 Zimbabwe police officers without electricity due to unpaid $450 connection fees, highlighting potential corruption.
津巴布韦贝特布里奇的 8 名警察生活在没有电的情况下,因为津巴布韦共和国警察尚未为他们位于新公务员大楼的泳池房支付 450 美元的连接费。 8 police officers in Zimbabwe's Beitbridge live without electricity as the Zimbabwe Republic Police hasn't paid US$450 connection fees for their pool houses in a new civil servants complex. 其他部门已经支付费用并相互联系,凸显了警察部队内部潜在的腐败现象。 Other departments have paid and are connected, highlighting potential corruption within the police force. 政府正在审查这个问题,官员们已经贷款或自掏腰包来连接他们的房屋。 The government is reviewing the issue, and officers have taken loans or paid out of pocket to connect their homes.