2021 年,安大略省医院和长期护理院在机构工作人员身上花费了 10 亿美元,这与卫生部长关于减少使用量的说法相矛盾。 Ontario hospitals and long-term care homes spent $1B on agency staff in 2021, contradicting Health Minister's claim of decreasing usage.
卫生部的一份文件显示,安大略省的医院和长期护理院去年花费了近 10 亿加元,用私人机构的护士和个人支持人员来填补人员缺口。 ONTARIO hospitals and long-term care homes spent nearly $1 billion last year to fill staffing gaps with nurses and personal support workers from private agencies, a Ministry of Health document shows. 尽管卫生部长西尔维娅·琼斯声称机构的使用一直在减少,但机构的使用却出现了增加。 This increase in agency usage comes despite Health Minister Sylvia Jones' claims that the use of agencies has been decreasing. 当医院和长期护理院无法招满员工时,它们会依靠劳务派遣机构来承担轮班,但这些机构向员工收取的费用是正常时薪的两倍甚至三倍。 Hospitals and long-term care homes rely on staffing agencies to cover shifts when they cannot fill them with employees, but the agencies charge double or even triple the regular hourly rate for their staff.