新西兰海事联盟支持政府对马斯登角炼油厂重新开放以确保燃料安全的调查。 Maritime Union of NZ supports gov't investigation into Marsden Point Refinery reopening for fuel security.
新西兰海事联盟欢迎政府对 Assoc 宣布的马斯登角炼油厂重新开放进行调查。 The Maritime Union of New Zealand welcomes the gov't investigation into Marsden Point Refinery's reopening, announced by Assoc. 能源部长肖恩·琼斯。 Energy Minister Shane Jones. 欧盟支持交通运输部门脱碳,但同时强调燃料安全的重要性。 The Union supports the decarbonization of the transport sector, but emphasizes the importance of fuel security in the meantime. 他们反对关闭炼油厂,因为这削弱了复原力和燃料安全,并强调了两艘悬挂新西兰国旗的油轮因直接从外国炼油厂进口而损失。 They opposed the refinery's closure as it weakened resilience and fuel security, and also highlighted the loss of two New Zealand-flagged oil tankers due to direct imports from foreign refineries.