美国参议院通过拨款计划,结束政府关门的威胁。 US senate passes funding package, ending threat of government shutdown.
美国参议院周五晚间达成一项协议,对一项大规模支出计划进行投票,旨在为部分政府机构和项目提供资金直至 9 月份。 The US Senate reached a deal late Friday to vote on a massive spending package, aiming to fund part of the government agencies and programs until September. 该协议是在午夜政府部分关闭截止日期前几分钟达成的。 The deal came just a few minutes before the partial government shutdown deadline at midnight. 然而,参议院错过了关门最后期限的投票,但支出计划仍然旨在避免关门。 However, the Senate missed the shutdown deadline vote, but the spending package still aims to avert a shutdown.