昆士兰州弗雷泽海岸马里伯勒西布鲁斯高速公路和沃克街交叉口发生一起 5 辆车相撞事故,涉及 2 辆半挂车,造成 3 人死亡。 3 people died in a 5-vehicle crash on Queensland's Fraser Coast, involving 2 semi-trailers, at the intersection of Bruce Highway and Walker Street in Maryborough West.
昆士兰州弗雷泽海岸发生了一起致命的五车相撞事故,造成至少三人死亡,事故涉及两辆半挂车、一辆双排出租车、一辆掀背车和一辆大篷车拖车。 At least three people died in a fatal five-vehicle crash on Queensland's Fraser Coast, involving two semi-trailers, a dual cab ute, a hatchback, and a caravan trailer. 这起事件于周五晚上发生在玛丽伯勒西布鲁斯高速公路和沃克街的交叉口。 The incident occurred at the intersection of Bruce Highway and Walker Street in Maryborough West on Friday night. 两辆车起火,另外三辆车受轻伤。 Two vehicles caught fire, and three others sustained minor injuries. 紧急救援人员仍在调查事故原因,高速公路仍处于关闭状态,并已改道。 Emergency crews are still investigating the crash and the highway remains closed with diversions in place.