科罗拉多州立法机关提出两项法案,以改革建筑缺陷法,增加公寓开发并降低保险成本,同时将休止期延长至 10 年并允许集体索赔。 Colorado Legislature advances two bills to reform construction defects law, increasing condo development and lowering insurance costs, while extending statute of repose to 10 years and allowing group claims.
科罗拉多州立法机关提出了两项法案来改革其建筑缺陷法,重点是增加公寓开发和降低保险成本,同时还为房主提供更多保护,以防止不良建筑。 Colorado Legislature advances two bills to reform its construction defects law, focusing on increasing condo development and lowering insurance costs, while also providing homeowners with more protection against poor construction. 众议院第 24-1230 号法案将建筑缺陷诉讼的休止期从六年延长至十年,并允许情况相似的房主共同提出索赔。 House Bill 24-1230 extends the statute of repose for construction defect lawsuits from six to ten years and allows similarly situated homeowners to bring claims together.