EPA 和蒙大拿州 DPHHS 讨论了野火烟雾意识计划,包括清洁空气避难所和 HVAC 维护,俄勒冈州获得了 667,500 美元的拨款用于防烟工具包。 EPA and Montana DPHHS discuss wildfire smoke awareness plans, including clean air shelters and HVAC maintenance, with Oregon State receiving a $667,500 grant for smoke resiliency toolkits.
美国环保署和蒙大拿州公共卫生与公众服务部讨论了提高野火烟雾意识和支持受影响社区的计划。 The U.S. EPA and Montana's Department of Public Health and Human Services discussed plans to improve wildfire smoke awareness and support affected communities. 关键方面包括实施清洁空气庇护所和适当的暖通空调维护。 Key aspects include implementing clean air shelters and proper HVAC maintenance. 俄勒冈州立大学还从 EPA 的社区建筑野火烟雾防备拨款计划中获得了 667,500 美元,用于开发工具包和资源,以提高俄勒冈州的野火烟雾抵御能力。 Oregon State University also received $667,500 from the EPA's Wildfire Smoke Preparedness in Community Buildings grant program to develop toolkits and resources to boost wildfire smoke resiliency in Oregon.