民主党提出一项在当地拘留暴力移民罪犯的法案。 Democrats propose a bill for local detention of violent immigrant offenders.
民主党提出一项法案,允许在当地拘留被指控或被判犯有暴力犯罪的移民,使联邦当局能够请求法院命令地方当局拘留他们,直到联邦拘留以进行驱逐程序。 Democrats propose a bill to allow local detainment of immigrants charged with or convicted of violent crimes, enabling federal authorities to request a court order for local authorities to hold them until federal custody for deportation proceedings. 此举反映出选举年对移民执法政策的关注,共和党人还推动拘留没有永久合法身份的移民。 This move reflects a focus on immigration enforcement policy during the election year, with Republicans also pushing for detention of immigrants without permanent legal status.