美国运输部审查航空公司对乘客个人数据的处理。 The US Department of Transportation reviews airlines' handling of passenger personal data.
美国交通部正在审查美国 10 家最大航空公司(包括美国航空、达美航空和联合航空等主要航空公司)对乘客个人信息的处理情况。 The U.S. Department of Transportation is reviewing the handling of passenger personal information by the 10 largest U.S. airlines, including major carriers like American, Delta, and United. 该举措旨在确保航空公司充分保护个人数据,不会不公平地将其货币化或与第三方共享。 This initiative aims to ensure airlines adequately safeguard personal data, are not unfairly monetizing it, or sharing it with third parties. 审查将评估航空公司的政策和程序,如果发现有问题的隐私做法,可能会导致正式调查、执法行动或新的行业法规。 The review will assess airlines' policies and procedures and may lead to formal investigations, enforcement actions, or new industry regulations if problematic privacy practices are identified.