印度批评联合国安理会改革的团结共识(UfC)模式,反对扩大常任理事国席位。 India criticizes Uniting for Consensus (UfC) model for UN Security Council reform, opposing expansion of permanent seats.
印度批评联合国安理会改革的“团结谋共识”(UfC)模式,表示反对大多数联合国成员国支持的扩大常任理事国和非常任理事国席位的想法。 India has criticized the Uniting for Consensus (UfC) model for UN Security Council reform, stating it opposes the idea supported by the majority of UN member states to expand permanent and non-permanent seats. UfC模式建议安理会拥有26个席位,仅增加非常任理事国和民选成员,而常任理事国席位保持不变。 The UfC model suggests a Security Council with 26 seats, with only non-permanent, elected members being increased while permanent membership remains unchanged. 该组织包括阿根廷、加拿大、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、意大利、马耳他、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、大韩民国、圣马力诺、西班牙和土耳其,反对在安理会增加新的常任理事国。 The group, which includes Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, San Marino, Spain, and Turkey, opposes adding new permanent members to the Security Council.