一场致命的行人事故导致佛罗里达收费公路在庞帕诺比奇的 NB 车道暂时关闭。 A fatal pedestrian crash temporarily closed Florida Turnpike's NB lanes in Pompano Beach.
周三凌晨,佛罗里达州收费公路庞帕诺比奇发生一起致命的行人事故,导致其 NB 车道暂时关闭。 A fatal pedestrian crash temporarily closed the Florida Turnpike's NB lanes in Pompano Beach early Wednesday morning. 佛罗里达州高速公路巡逻队凌晨 3 点前赶到现场。 Florida Highway Patrol responded to the scene just before 3am. 调查后,北行车道重新开放,但从椰子溪公园大道到样本路以南的交通出现延误。 The northbound lanes reopened after investigation, but traffic was delayed from Coconut Creek Parkway to south of Sample Road. 受害者身份尚未公布,事故原因仍在调查中。 The victim's identity has not been released and the cause of the accident is still under investigation.