芝加哥公立学校的 Runway 606 计划将于今年秋季推出,提供 STEM 双重入学、辅导、25,000 美元奖学金,并将网络安全途径扩展到所有 CPS 高中。 Chicago Public Schools' Runway 606 program offers STEM dual enrollment, mentoring, $25K scholarships, and expands cybersecurity pathways to all CPS high schools, launching this fall.
芝加哥公立学校的 Runway 606 计划旨在通过提供芝加哥城市学院的双重入学以及在伊利诺伊理工学院获得技术学位的途径,帮助学生快速完成 STEM 硕士学位。 Chicago Public Schools' Runway 606 program aims to fast-track students' completion of STEM master's degrees by offering dual enrollment with City Colleges of Chicago and a pathway to earn a technology-based degree at Illinois Institute of Technology. 该计划于今年秋季面向所有 CPS 学校启动,提供指导和 2.5 万美元的奖学金,旨在招收最多 300 名学生,同时将网络安全途径扩展到所有 CPS 高中。 Launching for all CPS schools this fall, the program provides mentoring, a $25K scholarship, and aims to enroll up to 300 students, while expanding the cybersecurity pathway to all CPS high schools.