在厄尔尼诺现象引发的干旱期间,马斯温戈的 20,000 多名津巴布韦农民获得了太阳能灌溉援助。 20,000+ Zimbabwean farmers in Masvingo receive solar-powered irrigation assistance during El Niño-induced drought.
太阳能灌溉计划为马斯温戈省 20,000 多名津巴布韦农民提供了帮助,帮助应对厄尔尼诺现象引发的干旱。 Solar-powered irrigation scheme aids 20,000+ Zimbabwean farmers in Masvingo province amid El Niño-induced drought. 东部和南部非洲多样化倡议负责人 (Ukama Ustawi) 在 11 个国家实施该计划,帮助农民适应气候变化并改善粮食安全。 Initiative Lead of Diversification in East and Southern Africa (Ukama Ustawi) implements the program across 11 countries, helping farmers adapt to climate change and improve food security. 国际水管理研究所鼓励农民进行能力建设和知识共享。 The International Water Management Institute encourages capacity building and knowledge sharing among farmers.