Nordstrom 在投资银行的帮助下探索私有化,该公司股价上涨 9.4%。 Nordstrom's stock increases 9.4% as the company explores going private with the help of investment banks.
周二,诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom) 股价上涨 9.4%,有报道称这家百货连锁店正在探索私有化方案。 Nordstrom's stock rose 9.4% on Tuesday as reports suggest the department store chain is exploring options to go private. 创始家族已聘请投资银行摩根士丹利和 Centerview Partners 与私募股权公司接触,以评估他们对潜在交易的兴趣。 The founding family has engaged investment banks Morgan Stanley and Centerview Partners to reach out to private equity firms to gauge their interest in a potential deal. 由于业绩指引令人失望以及对收入下降的担忧,诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom) 股价本月早些时候下跌。 Nordstrom shares declined earlier this month following disappointing guidance and concerns over revenue decline. 由于潜在贷款人要求高利率,2018年之前的私有化尝试均未成功。 Prior attempts to go private in 2018 were unsuccessful due to high interest rates demanded by potential lenders.