墨西哥城居民、学童和警察在附近追捕一只野狼。 Mexico City residents, schoolchildren, and police chase and capture a loose wolf in a neighborhood.
墨西哥城居民和学童帮助警察在该市的一个社区追捕一只野狼。 Mexico City residents and schoolchildren helped police chase a loose wolf in one of the city's neighborhoods. 经过步行和摩托车长时间追捕,这只中型狼被动物管理人员逼入绝境并被抓获。 After a long pursuit on foot and motorbikes, the medium-sized wolf was cornered and captured by animal-control officers. 该动物园报告称,该动物园所有的狼都已被找到,因为狼原产于墨西哥中部,但在这座拥有 2000 万人口的大都市中很少见到。 The zoo reported all its wolves were accounted for, as wolves are native to central Mexico but rarely seen in the 20-million-person metropolis.