田纳西州赫米蒂奇的 33 只动物从囤积中获救; 17只狗和16只猫被发现状况不佳。 33 animals rescued from hoarding situation in Hermitage, Tennessee; 17 dogs and 16 cats found in poor conditions.
田纳西州赫米蒂奇的 33 只动物被救出,其中 17 只狗和 16 只猫生活条件恶劣。 33 animals were rescued from a hoarding situation in Hermitage, Tennessee, with 17 dogs and 16 cats found living in poor conditions. 纳什维尔大都会警察局对牙买加港法院的住所进行了福利检查,导致了这一发现。 The Metro Nashville Police Department conducted a welfare check at the residence on Port Jamaica Court, leading to the discovery. 房主将这些动物交给了都市动物护理和控制中心,该机构目前正在为获救的宠物提供护理和评估。 The homeowners surrendered the animals to the Metro Animal Care and Control, which is now providing care and assessment for the rescued pets.