威斯康星州门罗县 UTV 事故中,一名妇女死亡,一名男子受伤;怀疑酒精。 Woman killed, man injured in UTV crash in Monroe County, Wisconsin; alcohol suspected.
威斯康星州门罗县 UTV 事故中,一名妇女死亡,一名男子受伤;酒精怀疑是一个因素。 Woman killed, man injured in UTV crash in Monroe County, Wisconsin; alcohol suspected as a factor. 一辆UTV冲出道路翻车,将女乘客抛飞出去,并当场宣告死亡。 A UTV left the roadway and rolled over, ejecting the female passenger who was pronounced dead at the scene. 男司机被送往医院。 The male driver was taken to the hospital. 门罗县治安官办公室、门罗县法医办公室和威斯康星州自然资源部正在进行调查。 Investigation ongoing by Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.