2名印尼工程师协助韩国KF-21战斗机项目数据泄露调查。 2 Indonesian engineers assist in South Korea's data leak investigation of the KF-21 fighter jet project.
印度尼西亚表示,两名印尼国民正在协助韩国调查两国联合开发的战斗机可能发生的数据泄露事件。 Indonesia said two of its nationals are assisting in a South Korean investigation into a possible data leak around a fighter jet being jointly developed by both countries. 计划于 2026 年量产的 KF-21 超音速战斗机项目引发了韩国对数据安全的担忧。 The KF-21 supersonic fighter jet project, with mass production planned for 2026, has raised concerns about data security in South Korea. 目前,这两名工程师被禁止离开韩国,调查尚未得出结论。 The two engineers are currently banned from leaving South Korea, and there are no conclusive findings yet in the probe.