好党领袖帕特里夏·德里尔提出了一项改善南非经济和服务提供的 10 点计划,包括增加基本收入补助金 (BIG) 和加速可再生能源发展。 Good Party leader Patricia de Lille proposes a 10-point plan to improve South Africa's economy and service delivery, including a Basic Income Grant (BIG) increase and accelerated renewable energy development.
好党领袖帕特里夏·德里尔提出了一项改善南非经济和服务提供的 10 点计划,其中包括将基本收入补助金 (BIG) 从 350 兰特增加到 999 兰特,以支持穷人。 Good Party leader Patricia de Lille has proposed a 10-point plan to improve South Africa's economy and service delivery, which includes a Basic Income Grant (BIG) increase from R350 to R999 to support the poor. 德里尔批评政府的结构,认为其过于官僚化,需要进行改变以促进服务提供。 De Lille criticized the government's structure, arguing it is too bureaucratic and needs to change to facilitate service delivery. 该党还强调提供负担得起的基本服务(例如电力、水和污水处理)的重要性,并呼吁加快发展可再生能源以结束负荷削减。 The party also emphasizes the importance of affordable basic services, such as electricity, water, and sewerage, and calls for accelerated development of renewable energy to end load shedding.