德里高等法院驳回了在梅赫劳利 (Mehrauli) 被拆除的阿洪吉清真寺 (Akhunji Mosque) 进行拉姆赞祈祷的请求。 Delhi High Court rejects plea to offer Ramzan prayers at demolished Akhunji Mosque in Mehrauli.
德里高等法院驳回了在梅赫劳利 (Mehrauli) 已被拆除的拥有 600 年历史的阿洪吉清真寺 (Akhunji Mosque) 进行拉姆赞祈祷的请求。 Delhi High Court rejects plea to offer Ramzan prayers at demolished 600-year-old Akhunji Mosque in Mehrauli. 1月30日,这座清真寺被DDA(德里发展局)拆除。 The mosque was demolished by the DDA (Delhi Development Authority) on January 30. 法官萨钦·达塔驳回了这一请求,称在 Shab e-barat 期间类似的进入该网站的请求已被拒绝。 Justice Sachin Datta dismissed the plea, citing that a similar plea for entry to the site during Shab e-barat had already been declined. 法院认为没有理由在本案中采取不同的观点。 The court saw no justification to take a different view in the present instance.