石油托运人寻求监管机构的命令,以解释跨山管道的成本超支从 2017 年的 $7.4B 到超过 $30B。 Oil shippers seek regulator's order to explain Trans Mountain pipeline's cost overrun from $7.4B in 2017 to over $30B.
石油托运人要求对跨山管道成本超支作出解释——一群石油托运人要求加拿大能源监管机构迫使跨山管道扩建公司提供有关该项目不断上升的建设成本的详细信息,从 2017 年预计的 74 亿美元增加到超过 300 亿美元。 Oil shippers demand explanation for Trans Mountain pipeline cost overruns - A group of oil shippers is asking the Canada Energy Regulator to compel Trans Mountain Corp., the company behind the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, to provide details on the escalating construction costs of the project, which have increased from a 2017 estimate of $7.4 billion to over $30 billion. 托运人正在寻求监管机构的命令,要求跨山公司提供有关成本增加背后原因的更多信息。 The shippers are seeking an order from the regulator requiring Trans Mountain Corp. to provide more information about the reasons behind these cost increases.