多伦多因汽车盗窃而入室盗窃的案件增加了 300%,导致警方非正式建议将车钥匙放在前门附近。 300% increase in home invasions for auto theft in Toronto leads to unofficial police advice to leave car keys near front doors.
多伦多警方建议居民将车钥匙放在前门附近,以避免汽车盗窃时发生暴力冲突,因为入室盗窃汽车盗窃案在一年内增加了 300%。 Toronto Police advise residents to leave car keys near front doors to avoid violent confrontations during car thefts, as home invasions for auto theft rise by 300% in a year. 尽管提出了非常规的建议,多伦多警方后来澄清说,他们并未正式认可该建议,并且有更好的方法来防止以汽车盗窃为动机的入室盗窃。 Despite the unconventional advice, the Toronto Police later clarified that they had not officially endorsed the suggestion, and there were better ways to prevent auto theft-motivated home invasions.