洛杉矶歌剧院音乐总监詹姆斯·康伦 (James Conlon) 在任职 20 年后宣布退休,他将在 2026-27 年度成为桂冠指挥,并继续担任客座指挥。 Los Angeles Opera music director James Conlon announces retirement after 20-year tenure, to become conductor laureate in 2026-27 and continue as guest conductor.
洛杉矶歌剧院音乐总监詹姆斯·康伦 (James Conlon) 在任职 20 年后宣布退休,于 2025-26 演出季结束时生效。 Los Angeles Opera music director James Conlon announced his retirement after a 20-year tenure, effective at the end of the 2025-26 season. 再过五天,康伦就将迎来 74 岁生日,他将在 2026-27 年度成为指挥桂冠,并计划继续以客座指挥的身份与洛杉矶歌剧院合作。 Conlon, who will turn 74 in five days, will become conductor laureate in 2026-27 and plans to continue working with the LA Opera as a guest conductor. 康伦在洛杉矶歌剧院启动了“恢复声音”项目,以引起人们对被纳粹德国压制的作曲家作品的关注,并计划在洛杉矶和其他地方继续该项目。 Conlon launched a Recovered Voices project at LA Opera to bring attention to works of composers suppressed by Nazi Germany and plans to continue with the project in LA and elsewhere. 洛杉矶歌剧院将任命一个遴选委员会来寻找继任者。 A search committee will be appointed by LA Opera to find a successor.