无畏号博物馆拥有的协和式超音速喷气式飞机经过7个月的修复后重返曼哈顿码头。 Concorde supersonic jet owned by Intrepid Museum returns to Manhattan pier after 7-month restoration.
纽约无畏博物馆拥有的标志性协和式超音速喷气式飞机在布鲁克林海军造船厂经过七个月的修复工程后,已返回曼哈顿码头。 The iconic Concorde supersonic jet, owned by New York's Intrepid Museum, has returned to its Manhattan pier after a seven-month restoration project at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. 修复工作包括打磨和重新喷漆。 The restoration involved sanding and repainting. 这架飞机由驳船沿哈德逊河逆流而上,并由起重机吊至 86 号码头。 The jet was transported by barge up the Hudson River and lifted by a crane onto Pier 86. 这架飞机的定期公众参观将于 4 月 4 日恢复。 Regular public tours of the jet will resume on April 4.