1966 年雪佛兰 Impala 与佩卡托尼卡河发现的 1976 年悬案有关;发现人类遗骸。 1966 Chevrolet Impala linked to 1976 cold case found in Pecatonica River; human remains discovered.
一辆与 1976 年悬案有关的汽车已从伊利诺伊州佩卡托尼卡河中被打捞出来,这可能使当局更接近解开这个数十年之久的谜团。 A car linked to a 1976 cold case has been pulled from the Pecatonica River in Illinois, potentially bringing authorities closer to solving the decades-old mystery. 这辆 1966 款雪佛兰 Impala 在温尼贝戈县的河中被发现,据信与 1976 年克拉伦斯·欧文斯 (Clarence Owens) 和埃弗雷特·霍利 (Everette Hawley) 两名男子的失踪有关。 The 1966 Chevrolet Impala was recovered from the river in Winnebago County and is believed to be linked to the disappearance of two men, Clarence Owens and Everette Hawley, in 1976. 车内发现人体骨骼,进一步调查正在进行中。 Skeletal human remains were found in the vehicle, and further investigations are underway.