3 月 11 日,尤蒂卡警方逮捕了达内尔·布齐 (Darnell Bouzy),原因是他在 Planet Fitness 的储物柜中存放了一把上膛的枪支和毒品。 Utica police arrested Darnell Bouzy for storing a loaded gun and drugs in a Planet Fitness locker on March 11.
尤蒂卡警方逮捕了达内尔·布齐 (Darnell Bouzy),因为他在 Planet Fitness 的储物柜中存放了一把上膛的 0.25 口径手枪和毒品。 Utica police arrested Darnell Bouzy for storing a loaded .25 caliber handgun and narcotics in a Planet Fitness locker. 这起事件发生在3月11日,当时一名顾客发现了储物柜里的物品。 The incident occurred on March 11, when a patron discovered the items in the locker. 布齐被发现仍在该设施内,后来被指控犯有非法持有武器、非法持有枪支和非法持有受管制物质的罪名。 Bouzy was found still present at the facility and later charged with criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a firearm, and criminal possession of a controlled substance.