圣帕特里克节当天,汽车爱好者计划聚集在爱尔兰多尼戈尔郡班多兰,引起当地安全担忧,并促使警察设置额外的检查站。 On St Patrick's Day, car enthusiasts plan to gather in Bundoran, Co Donegal, Ireland, causing local safety concerns and prompting Gardaí to set up extra checkpoints.
数百名汽车爱好者计划在圣帕特里克节聚集在爱尔兰多尼戈尔郡的班多兰,这引起了地方当局和警察对潜在混乱和安全风险的担忧。 Hundreds of car enthusiasts plan to gather in Bundoran, Co Donegal, Ireland, on St Patrick's Day, raising concerns among local authorities and Gardaí over potential chaos and safety risks. 来自远至戈尔韦和北部地区的游客涌入,预计会给本已繁忙的一天带来挑战,这里安排了众多的游行和活动。 The influx of visitors from as far as Galway and across the North is expected to create challenges on an already busy day with numerous parades and events scheduled. 警察宣布了一项重大行动计划,其中包括设立额外的检查站来监控道路交通违法行为,以应对繁忙的周末。 Gardaí have announced a major action plan, which includes setting up extra checkpoints to monitor road traffic offenses, in anticipation of the busy weekend.