Pulsenmore 的孕妇家庭超声解决方案在密歇根医学的临床试验中得到扩展,实现了远程胎儿生物物理特征评估。 Pulsenmore's home ultrasound solution for pregnant women expands in a clinical trial with Michigan Medicine, enabling remote fetal biophysical profile assessment.
Pulsenmore 在与密歇根医学的临床试验中扩展了其针对孕妇的家庭超声解决方案,重点是对胎儿生物物理特征的远程评估。 Pulsenmore expands its home ultrasound solution for pregnant women in a clinical trial with Michigan Medicine, focusing on remote assessment of the fetal biophysical profile. 该解决方案使孕妇能够在家中进行超声波扫描,传输结果以供评估并与临床医生沟通。 The solution empowers pregnant women to perform ultrasound scans from home, transmitting results for evaluation & communication with clinicians. 该技术已成功进行超过 100,000 次扫描,旨在减少诊所就诊和传统产前检查。 With over 100,000 successful scans, the technology aims to reduce in-clinic visits & traditional antenatal testing.