印度因致命袭击事件而禁止销售和饲养23种凶猛犬种。 India bans sale and breeding of 23 ferocious dog breeds due to fatal attacks.
由于越来越多的人因宠物狗袭击而死亡,印度已指示各州禁止销售和饲养 23 种凶猛的狗,包括比特犬、美国斗牛犬、罗威纳犬和獒犬。 India has directed states to ban the sale and breeding of 23 breeds of ferocious dogs, including Pitbull Terrier, American Bulldog, Rottweiler and Mastiffs, amid rising instances of people dying due to pet dog attacks. 中央政府已向各州和联邦直辖区发出指令,禁止人们饲养这些品种作为宠物。 The central government has issued a directive to states and Union Territories prohibiting people from keeping these breeds as pets. 畜牧和乳业部门还表示,已经作为宠物饲养的这些品种的狗应该绝育,以防止进一步繁殖。 The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying has also said that dogs of these breeds already kept as pets should be sterilized to prevent further breeding.