林林高中前校长兼橄榄球教练菲利普·昆斯 (Phillip Koons) 在撤回盲目认罪后,因侮辱公共道德和使用种族诽谤等轻罪指控而面临审判。 Former Ringling High School principal and football coach, Phillip Koons, faces trial on misdemeanor charges of outraging public decency and using racial slurs after withdrawing his blind plea.
林林高中前校长兼橄榄球教练菲利普·昆斯 (Phillip Koons) 在试图撤回盲目认罪后将接受审判。 Former Ringling High School principal and football coach, Phillip Koons, will stand trial after attempting to withdraw his blind plea. 昆斯因被指控言语辱骂学生和使用种族诽谤而面临侮辱公共道德的轻罪指控。 Koons faces misdemeanor charges of outraging public decency, following accusations of verbally abusing students and using racial slurs. 杰斐逊县法官允许撤回他最初的抗辩,导致案件进入陪审团审判。 A Jefferson County judge allowed the withdrawal of his initial plea, leading the case to proceed to a jury trial.