新闻机构撤回了凯特·米德尔顿公主和她的孩子们的照片。 News agencies retracted a photo of Princess Kate Middleton and her children.
美联社、盖蒂图片社、路透社和法新社等新闻机构撤回了凯特王妃与三个孩子的照片,担心照片被篡改。 News agencies, including AP, Getty Images, Reuters, and AFP, have retracted a photo of Princess Kate Middleton with her three children, amid concerns that it was manipulated. 这张照片由威廉王子拍摄,并由肯辛顿宫发布。 The image was taken by Prince William and released by Kensington Palace. 美联社援引“夏洛特公主左手对齐不一致”作为操纵证据,并发布了强制删除通知,要求从所有平台上删除这张照片。 AP cited an "inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte's left hand" as evidence of manipulation and issued a mandatory kill notice, requesting that the photo be removed from all platforms.