印度对符合条件的非穆斯林难民实施《公民身份修正案》。 India implements Citizenship Amendment Act for eligible non-Muslim refugees.
印度实施了《公民身份修正案》(CAA),使符合条件的个人可以在线申请公民身份。 India has implemented the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), enabling eligible individuals to apply for citizenship online. CAA 向 2014 年 12 月 31 日之前在印度寻求庇护且属于非穆斯林少数群体的来自阿富汗、孟加拉国和巴基斯坦的难民授予印度公民身份。 The CAA grants Indian citizenship to refugees from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan who sought shelter in India before December 31, 2014, and belong to non-Muslim minorities. 申请必须通过官方门户网站提交,并附上护照、出生证明、学校证明和登记证明等所需文件。 Applications must be submitted through an official web portal, with required documents such as passports, birth certificates, school certificates, and registration certificates. 授权委员会将在授予公民身份之前审查 UT/州和地区级别的申请。 An empowered committee will review applications at UT/state and district levels before granting citizenship.